Power Game Changers
Hot Button Issues
We The People using the power of social media to address these timely issues that are so important to our collective wellbeing.
New Perspective for Pro-Choice Advocates
1 minute & 21 seconds Video
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We the People Movement are harnessing the power of social media to drive our current campaign, aiming to establish pro-choice as the law of the land. This initiative represents a critical moment in human evolution. As we enter the Age of Aquarius, we are experiencing a profound awakening, while the third-dimensional reality of Pisces begins to disintegrate.
Aquarius opens the door to unconditional love, and our mission is to make it known that living in this state is now possible. Ascended Masters, particularly Saint Germain, teach us how to transition to the fourth and fifth dimensions of unconditional love. To make this shift, we must first clear our third-dimensional burdens. It’s essential to leave behind third-dimensional karma, as it cannot coexist in higher dimensions.
The tool for this transformation is the violet flame, accompanied by an absolute and unconditional forgiveness for ourselves and others. This path leads to the clearing of the soul. The time and effort required to release third-dimensional burdens will vary for each person; some may need to make restitution for past actions.
We want this message to go viral on social media because we are facing dire challenges in human evolution. With reports of a thousand tornadoes in a single month, devastating hurricanes, and catastrophic flooding, we are also confronted with the alarming release of methane, which is thirty times more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas.
The imminent threats we face may feel like hell on earth. As free individuals, we have the tools of viral social media at our fingertips. However, we must also acknowledge the dangers posed by technology, including 5G, nanotechnology, and AI, which can serve as vehicles for mass mind control. Researchers are uncovering that nanotechnology may already be present in our bodies, raising serious concerns about our freedom.
This is our wake-up call. Please support our cause by donating.
“After 20 years of practicing medicine, I can say that it is impossible to achieve your optimal health if you do not have adequate iodine levels. I have yet to see any item that is more important to promoting health or optimizing the function of the immune system than iodine. Over 95% of my patients tested were deficient in iodine.”
— Dr. David Brownstein
Methane gas is now being released from under the polar caps. Methane is 30 times the greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide and is not considered in most heating models of the Earth.
Global Climate Crisis
A Fresh Perspective on Pro-choice: a woman’s right to choose.
The soul comes in with the breath
and goes out with the breath.
We The People Can Change the World in the Aquarian Age
The ascended masters are saying that now is the time. It is easier to move into 4D and 5D Unconditional Love. Join us in the time of the great awakening.
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Aquarius opens the door to unconditional love, and our mission is to make it known that living in this state is now possible.
We are confronted with the alarming release of methane, which is thirty times more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas.
Establish pro-choice as the law of the land.
As we navigate the complex challenges of our time, it is imperative that we embrace the dawning of the Aquarian Age as a time of opportunity for spiritual growth and collective transformation.
We strive to preserve the determination of all sentient beings to maintain sovereignty over our own lives.
We The Free People Must Remain Free.